You fancy a change - great! But before rushing out to the shops and binning your unwanted item, ask yourself the following questions:
Could I upcycle or re-fashion the item with a bit of time and creative thought?
Could I repair the item if it no longer works?
Could I sell the item or donate it to charity?
Could I do without replacing it at all?
Many items get thrown away, when all they need is a little TLC or imagination to repair or create something new, so why not unleash your creative side and see what old items you can transform!
Here are just a few ideas to get you started, for more advice, visit Recycle Now
Carrier Bags

Did you know it takes hundreds of years for a plastic bag to decompose?
Reuse your carrier bags as many times as possible or take them to your local supermarket to recycle if you no longer need them.
Keep a reusable bag in your car boot so it is there for when you need, but if you do get caught out, opt for a 'Bag For Life' or invest in a sturdy Tote Bag - great for heavier items! Several supermarkets now issue compostable or biodegradable bags which are great for keeping food waste in and then transporting to a composter.


If your old clothes are feeling past their prime, why not transform them with some ribbon, buttons or patches. Adding extra embellishments can transform something plain, into something special (and can cover any holes or stains too)!
There are several apps or websites where you can sell unwanted clothes in good condition, like Vinted or eBay, which ensures they avoid the bin and find a new home where they can be loved even longer! You can also take unwanted clothes back to selected retailers who will 'buy back' your clothes and give you money off new purchases.
Look out for school uniform banks at the end of term at your child's school to save money and reuse items that have simply been grown out of.
For unwanted bras or swimwear, you could donate these at your nearest Bravissimo store - for every kilogram collected, money is donated to breast cancer awareness charity, Coppafeel

Composting can help turn your kitchen and garden waste into a rich food that’s perfect for your garden - its really ease to make and use!
To find out more about the benefits of composting and how get started, click here.
If you don't yet have a compost bin and you are interested in getting one, visit the Solihull Council website for more information.

Every so often we might fancy a change of furniture for our homes, but what if our old furniture isn’t quite ready for the scrap heap yet?
You can try breathing new life into your old furniture by reupholstering the fabric or repainting material. Need inspiration? Try looking on apps like Pintrest for low-cost ideas.
If you need to get rid of an item, consider your local Freecycle service, advertise on local Facebook groups or donate items to charities that accept bulky goods.